Welcome fellas, to the threestooges blog. It's mine and mine alone, the name is just the first thing that pops up in my head whilst creating it. Enjoy your stay and please leave some constructive comments. Appreciate it! :-)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Subhanallah.... it's been nearly 2 years since I wrote in my own blog. Oh wow... great, just great hahaha XD

Anyway, hi there my lovely blog. Miss you, mate ;-) first and foremost, a lot happens during this period. Nope2, nothing on marriage (duh) lol XD

Okay, I've firstly being transferred. No more in my ol' CVI. Huhuhu~~~

But ok, near home. So, not bad.

Anyway, today is the 24th day of Ramadhan 1435H. Yeah... raya is around the corner? Are you excited about it? I am! hehehe nothing special but I'm excited all the same.

I want to talk about today. I suddenly wanted to reminiscence my good old days in the ever-wonderful 80's. So, I started typing out for things from the 80's that I could think of. Google and Youtube were my choices to search for this long lost items. I was successful. In fact, I actually keep some of the picture of the 80's things that are very memorable until now. I had a great time today.

To be honest, I'm at work and yeah... trying to kill some time befiore heading home. I hope I'll write more in the future. Till then ;-)

I love this bottle! There are a wide variety of flavour, like Pepsi, Coke, Schwepps, etc. but this effin' bottle is damn unique =)

I love Optrose. My mum used to feed this to me when I was young. Hmm... so that's why I'm still young lol XD

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! My favourite talc! Talk about this talc! Talc talc talc! Yardley... I likey very very muchy! =D

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Romantic comedy addict; that's me!

You see, if you know me personally this will not be a surprise at all. However, if you just know me well... so and so, you would be shocked to discover this fact. Why? Because I look tough on the outside. Truthfully, I'm not a romantic person. But like every other girl out there, no matter how cheesy sometimes they find these romantic acts, we all love it. So, I honestly enjoy watching romantic comedy films. Some of my favourites are Just Like Heaven, The Wedding Planner, Sweet Home Alabama, and many more. I'm also a huge fan of classic romance novels written by Jane Austen, the Brontë's, Elizabeth Gaskell, etc. Thus, I must emphasize my passion in watching the BBC tv series of these novels.

Recently, I was having some extra free time and I killed it by watching films from my favourite genre; romantic comedy. I watched three films which are Life As We Know It (starring Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel), And I Hate You So (Aaron Kwok and Kelly Chen), A Walk to Remember (Mandy Moore and Shane West), and Never Been Kissed (Drew Barrymore and Michael Vartan).

Okay, life as we know it brings two ppl that hated each other but their best friends married each other. And they were their besties best man and bridesmaid, and they're both involved in their best friends lives until they had a child. One day, their best friend had an accident and unfortunately succumb to their injury. They thus left their daughter, Sophie, in the hand of their besties. Thru many obstacles they faced together which brought them together as a family, this film for me us a joy to watch. I reckon because it is believable, and close to reality. My only setback was Katherine Heigl's performance. Not good enough. Duhamel though, was brilliant. But all in all, I like this film and will definitely watch it again.

Okay, and I hate you so is a Hong Kong film. I've watched this many times. It's about a columnist of a newspaper in HK that discovered her first boyfriend sold a vinyl record she got for him to a thrift store. Coincidentally, a radio DJ bought it and though persuaded by the lady, firmly rejected her plea. Not only that he made fun of her during his show and this fueled up her anger towards him. Later she called her ex bf and though she didn't get thru to him, that act of hers brought him back in her life. Meanwhile, she met the DJ in person n out of anger she splashed her red wine to him and their feud increased. So much things happened but at last they learned that they like each other. Though I really like the story but the ending is pretty dry. That's my only comment.

Alright, now this brings me to the third film, which is A Walk to Remember. This film is based on a novel by Nicholas Sparks. Okay, if you're familiar with his work, then you will know what kind of film this is. It is romantic, but surely focusing on teenager's love blossoms and ending tragically. To be honest, I don't like it at all. In simpler words, I totally hate it. 

Finally, Never Been Kissed. The word finally really fits in, because I've been procrastinating to watch this film since its release back in '99, which was the year I started my bachelor's in UTP. It was one of the most popular VCD for rental back then, but I don't know somehow other films of about similar genres captured my "then" attention. Well, anyway, the review. I find it okay overall, though I think Drew Barrymore acted the same way in all her films I've watched so far. I guess she can't help it, being herself and all that. Hmm~ I liked the ending though the content, not so. 

Today, I've added two more films of romantic comedy to watch; Four Christmases and The Bridget Jones Diary. The first film between Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon, it was okay. Not bad. But I don't think I'll be watching it again. However, the Bridget Jones Diary, wowowowowow! I absolutely love it! hehehe XD well, this film received a similar treatment like Never Been Kissed (procrastination on watching it). I've heard many positive reviews on it but never really got around to watch it. And finally, today I did. Gosh, I love Colin Firth! I love Mr Mark Darcy here and when he was Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy then in a BBC adaptation of Austen's Pride and Prejudice (1995). I love him, what a wonderful actor, and more importantly, what a great man he is. Hehehe XD (I'm smiling all over, because he's just ever so wonderful). Ahem~~~~ *earth to Suhaila* well, okay... hmmm~ though my situation is quite similar to Bridget (being single in her 30's) but I am happy to announce that I am happy with my life. I am genuinely happy being single =) Honest! Hahaha XD I mean, at this moment I'm not really looking for someone or some sort, but if he happens to come along the way and he's good enough for me, and if Allah has already said that we're meant for each other, then you'll get the news. 

So, what is the conclusion from this write-up? Errrr.... well, the title speaks it hahhaa XD okay now, I want to continue working. This writing is a combination from last night's stuff and today's work. Aahhhh~~~*stretching* See you next time, bye!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Attention seeker

This topic suddenly appeared in my head, originating from a conversation with a dear friend (you know who you are ;-)). What is an attention seeker? Well, the name speaks for itself. It's commonly given to those who loves attention no matter what. These folks I'm afraid, comes in various "packages". They can either be directly recognized or they possessed the skill of being subtle on their real intention, but still obvious to some watchful eyes (alike myself, at times). The real deal is easily spotted by being loud about his/herself most of the time. Check out your facebook, and you'll see what I mean. Statuses can be a great indicator in this matter. Or, when you have conversation, this fella will always try to tell that his/her story is bigger/juicier, you get the idea. The subtle ones are bit trickier to find, but truth prevail hahaha XD Their fb statuses may sound humble but to be honest, they will strike up others' curiousness, and thus flooding comments are expected, which is what they want. This is far sneakier than the obvious group, and if you ask my opinion, I always hated the subtle attention seekers. They're not really subtle, it's just that they appear like one, but in all likelihood they are laughing their arse out, looking at the number of comments they get from their so-called demure fb announcements. Bloody hell~ honestly! Truthfully, I don't like fake people in general, they hide their agenda, pretentious to the max. They are far worse opponents than direct people. At least we don't have to do a lot of guessing here now, aren't we? Pfftttttttttt~~~

So, how to deal with these attention seekers? Ignore them. But what if they are your own friends? I mean, you like them, yes, but there's this teeny weeny bit of annoyance everytime you saw their posts in fb or when you have a normal conversation over lunch or something. How do you deal with this situation? I will pretend to listen to them, and at the same time never register whatever they say in my head or in my heart. If they went aboard, I'll cut off by saying a better gossip even if it's just about Justin Bieber or something. I mean, really, at times you just felt like slapping this person, now don't you? Just shut it! You felt like screaming those words to them, but yeah you can't cuz unfortunately they're your mates. Telling them the truth will be a huge no-no cuz they will say you're jealous of them and thus ruin the whole friendship which in your opinion, is worth saving. I do have a case at the mo', one of my friend is acting up. Somehow, I view it like a humour haha XD

p/s: This morning I had this bloody annoying colleague, she came and checked out on my work (even my superior never do that!). And she asked me why I did not attend this sort of job attachment in one of the other offices, and I told her I had fever. You know what she said? "Asyik demam ja~~" I was furious, no doubt. I felt like knocking her off! I said,"ingat main2 ka sakit ni? Nak ka kalau org bagi penyakit?" Seriously, this lady is an epic nincompoop. She aren't plain stupid, she's just plain busybody, trying to look like she cared but in actuality, she's trying to show she's a better person. Kiss my arse la! Puh-leeze, you got so much work that you started checking on other people's business? What do you care anyway? Seriously, this kinda people really gets on my nerves but thankfully, I don't flare up. It's wise not to, and it's not worth it. Ignore them and their comments. Ignorance is bliss, truthfully =) cheerio!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Work: here or there?

Since yesterday, my work is up to my neck. People think my work is easy, well they're half right. It is easy because I just stayed in my office, open up this system and checked on the declaration made by importers. No outdoors means no overexposure of sunlight, no teamwork since it's on your own basis, you get the picture. The hard part? One have to consistently review the declarations, meaning checking on them continuously over the 8 hours; then we work on shift till 11 pm.; then there's weekend some more. But you know, I'm not complaining, in fact I'm grateful and thankful to Allah S.W.T for His blessings to me, giving me a job that I can happily do every single day. I'm grateful for my ever-understanding boss and colleagues, especially my partner, Mr. Sugumaran, for his support and sensitiveness of my needs and eveready to lend his help at any time. Plus, this office is very near to my house, and I do live comfortably. Therefore:-


However, there's something I've been thinking of doing. Something that will cause disruption to whatever I hold at the mo'. But I get the hankering feeling that I need to do it. Here's a quote from one of my favourite lecturer in UTP:-

I pray to Allah to make my journey towards that an easy and successful one. This is still in my consideration, oh well~ I have to get back to work. My work that I love at the mo' =) cheerio!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

MSc mode is over, hello work! *sigh*

Okay, so have this gazillion things in my head that I would like to say, I would like to share, I would like to write. But this is very much like me, once I open this page, my head goes blank. Why oh why? Duh... okie dokie, why don't I begin with my latest news? Well, I have recently graduated from my MSc programme in USM. Alhamdulillah! Jazakallahu khairan! Finally, I've made it. I couldn't be more happier with this but most importantly, I couldn't be more thankful. Alhamdulillah =) Here are some of the photos I took during the big day:-

My family and I, with my youngest sister, Ruhamaa' being our photographer =)

 My classmates and I, after the ceremony in Dewan Tuanku Syed Putra, USM

My classmates and I again, after the convocation ceremony with Sha's father (whom is the School of Pharmacy's dean)

So, now I'm back to work as usual. But it wasn't that smooth since I had a fever and am still in recovery mode. Insya Allah, I'll be back at work this Monday, so business is back! But to be honest, I love studying. I do. If that makes me a nerd, then that's who I am. I guess I can't help it. I just love attending classes, having chats in between the classes and during lunch breaks. Yeah2, of course getting assignments and tests and labs and exams are no fun, but that's a part of life being students now, isn't it? Not to mention, I'm lucky enought to have a very close friend whom I can share many thoughts on. Miza, I'm glad we're in the same class, mate! =) 

*sigh* to be honest, I have so many other things to share here but seriously I can't figure them out at the mo'. Thus, forgive me. Insya Allah will be posting more often from now on hehehe =) That's all for now. Adios!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

MSc mode~~~

Oh my GOD! It's been almost a year since I actually make my usual pit stops here. Wow!!! Oh well, life has been hectic for me. Yes, who would have reckon if ones serving in the government sector would lead such a busy life. Not entirely depressing but busy all the same.

Well, firstly around May, mum was unwell. She was in hospital for nearly 2 months. Yes... my life was upside down. A total chaos. Nevertheless alhamdulillah Allah s.w.t has given mum and I another chance. Mum is doing really well these days despite her regular visits to the dialysis centre. All in all, it ends well somehow :-)

After that, I was booked and hooked with emceeing in many events for my department. Be it big or small, my partner and I were hooked. And finally, my big day came along. Noooo not my wedding. Not yet anyhow. My admission to my MSc programme in USM. Yes, I made it in. Alhamdulillah :-) who would have known? I didn't expect to get a place but somehow I did. Well... now I'm already in my week 9, aka mid sem break. How time flies!!! Life as a student is definitely different but worth it all the same. My fellow classmates though significantly younger than me, keeps me entertained all the time. Thanks mates!!! Glad to have you all in my life.

I'm doing environment engineering at the mo'. Not that complicated but tedious though. I've got loads of complaint but still I'm doing it :-) I reckon this is it. Here's praying for a successful MSc in a year time! Insya Allah~~~


Sunday, January 30, 2011


Oh my God! This month is probably one of my busiest month ever! I have to attend meetings for this grand event in my organization, and then what's with my secret mission and helping my sister with hers, I'm a busy busy bee! However, I'm happy with the whole situation. No pressure, just tired. There are times when I'm just too tired or just stressed out that I felt like screaming (which I did to let out my steam), and yes, I've cried a couple of times too. Somehow I hope for a miracle to happen. A great miracle that will change my life for the better. Not that I'm not happy with my life right now. I'm actually too happy to even change a bit of it, but there's always room for improvement right? So, that's my goal. Improvement, improving whatever I have right now. For the bettermen of life and happiness. All in all hehehe~ Actually, I have nothing to do. Well, I have books to finish but too lazy to do it. So, till then. Good luck to me!