Welcome fellas, to the threestooges blog. It's mine and mine alone, the name is just the first thing that pops up in my head whilst creating it. Enjoy your stay and please leave some constructive comments. Appreciate it! :-)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Subhanallah.... it's been nearly 2 years since I wrote in my own blog. Oh wow... great, just great hahaha XD

Anyway, hi there my lovely blog. Miss you, mate ;-) first and foremost, a lot happens during this period. Nope2, nothing on marriage (duh) lol XD

Okay, I've firstly being transferred. No more in my ol' CVI. Huhuhu~~~

But ok, near home. So, not bad.

Anyway, today is the 24th day of Ramadhan 1435H. Yeah... raya is around the corner? Are you excited about it? I am! hehehe nothing special but I'm excited all the same.

I want to talk about today. I suddenly wanted to reminiscence my good old days in the ever-wonderful 80's. So, I started typing out for things from the 80's that I could think of. Google and Youtube were my choices to search for this long lost items. I was successful. In fact, I actually keep some of the picture of the 80's things that are very memorable until now. I had a great time today.

To be honest, I'm at work and yeah... trying to kill some time befiore heading home. I hope I'll write more in the future. Till then ;-)

I love this bottle! There are a wide variety of flavour, like Pepsi, Coke, Schwepps, etc. but this effin' bottle is damn unique =)

I love Optrose. My mum used to feed this to me when I was young. Hmm... so that's why I'm still young lol XD

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! My favourite talc! Talk about this talc! Talc talc talc! Yardley... I likey very very muchy! =D


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