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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Morning Ritual

See those? Yeah, they are my morning ritual. I'm sure everybody has one. Every morning I need to get my dosage of internet, and these webs are my top three. It's not like my life will be over if I didn't get to open them but you see, it's like a craving. Like an addiction. Like an obsession (maybe that's a bit too far, but still~ a possibility). I just had to check my emails (even though it's just deleting facebook's notification) but still~ I must do it! No matter what. It's simply like those who needed their caffein or tar indulgence every morning, I must have my Vico and internet. Hahaha~ sounds familiar? I bet you guys feels the same way too~ maybe in a different way.

Gone were the days where newspaper is a must. I used to be in that position before. Every morning I must read a newspaper. Tak kisahlah surat khabar cap apa, semua boleh. Utusan, BH, Kosmo!, HM, semua belasah. Janji masa breakfast mesti baca newspaper. Sambil baca sambil makan. Dah tabiat agaknya. But since the birth of the internet, and the fact that I'm quite not a big fan of the news published in our mainstream newspapers, I have thrown away that habit. So now, it's Yahoo!mail, fb, and eurosport taking over my morning. Hehehe~

Actually, I always have the habit of doing something whilst eating. Be it sitting down with my family, chit-chatting between the munching, or if I'm alone, I'd watch tv or vcds or read something. In short, I can't just sit and eat without having something else to do. I guess I developed this when I was young. Being in between wasn't that easy~ haha~

Having said that, I've done my morning ritual. Gosh! Just look at the time~

So, how about you? Care to share your morning ritual? ;-)


Anonymous said...

mornink.??? x smpat nk buka my "black tosh" pn..sbb bangkit2,mndy3,siap2,mkn3,n then trusz pi TM..n dkt TM,aiyark,keja luaq,hahaha.! jd, morning ritualnya begitu aja kok..muahahaha.! jd,dlm case aku, it's more to "nite showdown.!" hahah.!! ;p

mkn smbil ckp3.? haa..tu mmg ya.! c D nafikan agy dh,ckp ja keja dia..hihihih... being last toO is not easy..wohohoh.. *yea ka.??* hahahahha...



Anonymous said...

it's "x" D nafikan..adoii...typing error,again...huh..>.<


Isabelle Fahd said...

@Lu: Adoihaiiii~ mak cik2~ night showdown tu aku setuju! you're not a morning person, admit that. Tahun apa, kuda yer? Hmmmm~ tak berapa tau aktiviti kuda ni. Tapi mcm ya ni, tahun ayam jantan. So, keja kitorang cock-a-doodle-doo every morning! heheheeh~ so kena mangkit awai kot mana cerita pon. paling lewat kan kul 8.30. tu dah kira lewat abih la tu~ hehehe~

so, lepas ni kena tulis night showdown. nk tulis apa yek? lepas isya' terus tidoq? ekekekekekeke :)

thanks for the comment!!!

Anonymous said...

hahahaha..ya mmg la,bising dh pg2..hihihihih..mmg la aku tahun bukan brung antu la nk wat cmna..kuda kaki keras...jln merata,lari pn merata..buas sedikit..muahaha.! tp aku hat tahun kuda pn aku bkn taO sgt kuda cmna..hohohoh..;p

hahaha..lepas isya' ya teruih tidoq baek xpyh tulis ya..adoii..=.="

yea...u are wlcmome..hehehe..<3


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