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Saturday, April 10, 2010

What's Up with Reading?

Okay, sounds cliche I know. But seriously, Malaysians and the last-time-I-heard poll says miraculously, read only two books a year. So, I am thus, odd since I read more than two books each year and alright, I admit it, addicted to books? I am. Seriously. Why? Because it's fascinating! I love reading. I wish I could have all the time in the world to read. Reading thriller-suspense books from authors alike Dan Brown, is really exciting, bone-chilling, and not to mention, mind boggling at the same time. But all in all, I love it. Even one of my own boss, Tn. Azman, shares the same passion as I am. He also, an avid reader and loves John Grisham and Jeffrey Archer. I used to like reading romance novels, but I now totally hates it. They are nothing but the same. The only thing I enjoyed whilst reading those is the 19th century-era potrayal in the story. I love vintage and I definitely love old-scene movies. But the whole body of those novels are just nauseating. They do feel like that if taken too much. So, stop to those. Haha~

Right. Now, what am I reading at the moment? In one of the blogs I'm following, a friend is reading two historical-based books and I'm currently reading one of them. It's called, What Your History Teacher Didn't Teach You Vol. 1 by Farish A. Noor. So far, I'm hooked. Prior to this book, I spent about a week to finish another Dan Brown's thriller-suspense novel, The Lost Symbol. Though I still think The Da Vinci Code is the best to date by Mr. Brown, I also love this new number from him. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.

At the moment, I have another two books at hand to be finished. Two children's books, Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator and 13 Curses. I don't know when this will commence but soon I reckon.

Now, if you ask me why Malaysians in general do not enjoy reading as much as I do~ well, I reckon it's because it is not in our culture. Our parents hardly read books to tell us to sleep, nor do they read themselves in their spare time. I'm not blaming them but all good habits must start from home. Someone must start doing it. I do admit that my parents also didn't do all the above mentioned, but I must thank my mum for her discreet ways to encourage me to read. She keeps on buying books and stashed them to me. I was introduced first to books amongst other things. The only thing she will buy me unconditionally is books. So, MUM, thank you! I owe you this one, too. Amongst so many other things~ =)

So, do my siblings enjoy the same habit? Well, not really. My elder sister is, but my two others not so. Especially my youngest sister. heheheh~ she'll get cross with this! I keep on telling her about good books. The only books she ever purchased (as in novels) are Paddington Bear Takes the Train and Angels (the one made from the tv series starring David Boreanaz). Uhhhhh~ come on! At this point, I think even the statistic is good enough for us. Well, two books per year is better than nothing! I believe it is a responsibility for "bookworms" alike myself to inculcate this positive habit to others, especially to my own family members. Lu, you're my next project! hahahahha!!!

Alright then, I must resume to Mr. Farish now. 

p/s: he's quite a good looking bloke at "that" age hahahahahahahah~


Anonymous said...

hahahaha...ya...perli aku yea ya.?????



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